YOGA FOR WOMEN - An opportunity to practice yoga geared specifically toward women's needs
In this workshop we will start with some basics of women anatomy and transitional periods of woman's life
Knowing your body and customizing your practice for your own self
Yoga practice to help deal with menstrual issues
Yoga for different stages of life
A full practice of the best yoga poses for women’s health
Talk about what we can do as women to support our overall health and well-being through our lifestyles and diet.
A chance to share experiences on a deeper level. A little time to be nourished by their solitary time away from partnerships and in the sisterhood of women
PRICE : $40 (early registration) | $45 after December 5
(Yoga mats and other props provided)
Questions :
Email or Call to Register
$40 per person
804.502.0360 |